Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

WHAT IS GINGER Bb.Pin 2A 18A 367

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Ginger is a rhizome plant that is very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizome-shaped fingers are swollen in the middle sections. Dominant spicy flavor and a stronger sense of warmth and sweating usually trigger more foreign languages ​​is the term (Zingiber officinale),
Including interest Zingiberaceae ginger (retrieval-finding). The scientific name given by William Roxburgh ginger from the Greek word zingiberi, from Sanskrit, singaberi.
Ginger, Zingiber officinale alias, is, rhizome thick underground stem that sprouts roots and shoots. Each of ginger plants can grow to three meters and produces 2-5 parts of ginger, which can be harvested throughout the year. After a broken ginger root from the main plant was washed and dried Once dry, it can be used for cooking or medicinal purposes.
Ginger can be used as a medicine and also Ginger is one of the oldest medicinal foods can dikatan antiquity, is now said to be currently Medicinal Herbs Since this herb originated in Southeast Asia, it is not surprising that the healers of ancient China and India have made the ginger part of their toolkit for thousands of years . Ayurvedic texts credit ginger as a "universal great medicine". An old proverb says that India "is found in ginger are all good." Traditional Chinese medicine holds that ginger "broken the back" and "cold cast

Apa itu jahe?
Jahe adalah tanaman rimpang yang sangat populer sebagai rempah-rempah dan bahan obat. Rimpangnya berbentuk jemari yang menggembung di ruas-ruas tengah. Rasa dominan pedas dan  Rasa hangatnya lebih kuat dan biasanya memicu keluarnya keringat lebih banyak istilah bahasa asing adalah (Zingiber officinale), Jahe termasuk suku Zingiberaceae (temu-temuan). Nama ilmiah jahe diberikan oleh William Roxburgh dari kata Yunani zingiberi, dari bahasa Sansekerta, singaberi. Jahe, alias Zingiber officinale, adalah, rimpang batang bawah tanah tebal yang kecambah akar dan tunas dan kami menyediakan sangat di banyak di PASAR INDUK KRAMAT JATI

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